I started taking pictures as a 12 year old when I was given an old Kodak Box Camera as a birthday present.  Wish now I had held on to it.

My photo skills greatly improved once I was accepted into the film program at Toronto’s York University, studying under some top photography instructors such as Michael Semak and Jack Dale.

In 1986 I landed a job as the producer of an entertainment report for a Los Angeles radio station, Power 106.  Being a life-long fan of the movies and old Hollywood in general I welcomed the chance to cover events such as the Golden Globes, the Emmys and the Academy Awards.  I always took my trusty camera, a 35mm Nikon FM2, and snapped away whenever possible, even though taking unauthorized pictures was sometimes forbidden.  I broke the rules knowing I may never again get to capture images of the classic stars I was meeting on their home turf.  They were a reminder of days gone by.  The old guard getting their last hurrah.

Though one amazing roll of film has gone missing, (lost or stolen) I have a number of favorite shots from those times as well as other favorite photos I have taken in places like Paris, Budapest and Toronto.

I was lucky enough to have had a couple of exhibitions of my work that one can read about in the press section on this site.

I am also selling a limited edition signed and numbered shots, printed from the original 35mm negative of some of the photos below. Please contact me for details.